Saturday, September 13, 2008

tongue in cheek

These things just seem to go too fast. The tapas Fridays, I mean. You know, you've got all these amazing people show up with fantastic food which they've prepared or finish preparing at our home, and then during the evening several tempting conversations are calling from all corners of the room, and then there's the fire and the homemade music coming from the boys outside...and, before you have a chance to take it all in, everyone is saying goodnight. All we're left with are feelings of warmth and wonderful mental (and digital) images of time well spent. Poor us. Boo hoo hoo.


joyce said...

That is sooooooooooo true, Brian.
I couldn't have said it any better.

Karla said...

I've been fantasizing all day about your holy dip. Holy was that unbelievable. I must have some again.

Vipassana 2009 said...

Karla, how about Sunday afternoon? I've got another dish of it ready to go as soon as you say the word. I need only 30 min. in the oven and we're set to go for another round. Call me?!

Crystal said...

ooo, looks delish!

Cherrypie said...

P=L=E=A=S=E I=N=V=I=T=E M=E.

I'll bring more than I eat. Which will be a lot judging by the photos. I shall also help clear up atferwards.

Food talks to my soul, Brian X