Wednesday, March 22, 2006

so they say

" when you're all done, you may spend the rest of the time reading, or drawing in your sketch books."

(Insert classroom noises such as rustling papers, binders opening, pencils sharpening, and general quiet sounds of progress being made on assignment.)

25 minutes later, heard from the back of the room at the table designated for group work.
"I'm gonna draw a horney owl...I love using that word, horney. It's my favourite word. I'll draw a picture of The Great Horney Owl."


Cherrypie said...

Did one of your pupils draw that? Hmmm - maybe a blog to watch in the future

I'm so thrilled Christy showed me how to navigate your site xx

Brian the Mennonite said...

The drawing is from the wide world of Google Images.

I was also talking to Mrs. Homo Escapeons today and her husband is thrilled that you are commenting on his blog. He's read many of your posts and has been thoroughly impressed, or was it depressed? cherry lady. Joyce and I are faithful followers of yours and ALWAYS enjoy visiting you in Jolly Old England.

kyknoord said...

Brings a tear to the eye, it does. That's why you've been quoted.

Cream said...

Watch out for them horny things, Brian! Could be a black bull, a rhino, a dung beetle....

Very funny!

andrea said...

It's touching to know that in this day and age kids can still enjoy such simple pleasures, isn't it? :)

Brian the Mennonite said...

Nan: Yeah...don't they?! I could probably relate more if I could only remember them at the end of each day. Perhaps I should start writing them down.

Kyknoord: Don't cry for me, South Africa. Thanks for the quote nod. I've though of getting published one day. :)

Cream: My favourite is the horny toad. RRrribbittt.

Christine and Andrea: What makes this even more amusing is that they were 12 year olds...not the typical grade two kids that I normally teach. These kids like to use the words shit, damn, boner, pubic hair, screw, fart, ass, and horny ANYTIME during ANY topic. I was never that awkward. :)