Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Full Market Value

The price of pork is in a constant state of flux. If you watch the price at the grocers, you would never know, but if your income depends on a steady standing, you watch it intently.

I am a school teacher, and so for me, I couldn't give a rat's ass about the price of pork...or so I thought.

A few minutes ago I received a phone call from my brother-in-law who is the owner/operator of a large Southern Manitoba hog farm. Every seventeen weeks he receives, fattens, and ships off to market 5,000 hogs. Every now and again, during shipping time, there will be the odd hog with a limp or some sort of blemish which would make it unacceptable at the processing plant. One of the options is destroy the animal and send it off to the rendering plant. Another option is to call anyone you know and ask if they want 500 pounds of free pork, minus the cost of private butchering.

I spent the last few minutes with my hands waving in the air like a little schoolboy shouting out, "Pick me, pick me."

I just may have to buy another deep freeze to store all of this "other white meat" but at least I know what I'll be eating this summer. Anyone for a pork BBQ?


andrea said...

I'll be there but only after the heatwave that we're sending your way passes.

Brian the Mennonite said...

Bring it on...I'm ready for some HOT pork on a bun.

kyknoord said...

I'm guessing that this whole vegetarian fad isn't really your thing :-)

Brian the Mennonite said...

Yes, you're correct Kyk. In the frozen north we need a little more than crunchy carrots and fried romain to keep us from freezing solid in our tracks. Give me meat or give me death...even if it begins in the colon.

Anonymous said...

You can have your pork, give me a cow anyday!

Brian the Mennonite said...

Janice: Have your cow and eat it too.
Kind of reminds me of our family BBQs where there would be nothing but burgers and Tang...and not a salad in sight.

Anonymous said...


Romeo Morningwood said...

I always think of Homer saying.."sure there is some kind of MAGICAL animal that gives us bacon and ham"

Pick me pick me.